Sistem kvaliteta u ETI-ju je kompleksan. Sastoji se od procesa, procedura, organizacionih formi, resursa i alata za upravljanje sistemom kvaliteta. Dizajniran je na način da pokriva tehnički i tehnološki integritet svih proizvodnih i poslovnih procesa, čime se obezbjeđuje kvalitet naših proizvoda i usluga.
S tim u vezi ETI je stekao certifikate ISO 9001:2008 i ISO 14001:2004.
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Certifikat kvaliteta u skladu sa ISO 9001 standardom
Having realized, that we must ensure the quality of our products and services through our business and production processes, we in ETI d.d. concluded a project and obtained the quality certificate according to ISO 9001 already in 1993, which we permanently improve. In the process of improvements, our constant task remains not only monitoring the demands, but also requirements and expectations of our strategic partners-clients, employees, suppliers, shareholders and wider community. In 1999 the second verification period expired, this is why we decided to include in the recertification process along ETI d.d. also the Toolshop unit (PIE OR) as an important business unit in our company, which has undergone an important functional reorganization. The main purpose was to adapt the internal organization to achieve better efficiency and results. In 2009 all production units of ETI concern had undergone the recertification process according to the new standard 9001:2008.
Novo dostignuće u sistemu upravljanja zaštitom životne sredine
Being awarded the ISO 14001 certificate, demands from us to continuously strive to improve our behaviour towards environment. Being able to identify and evaluate key problems is the basic step towards the development of an efficient environmental management system, and an obligation under ISO 14001 standard.
In 2001 we reconstructed the oil collection system for machine parts washing and condensate collection for the compressor station in order to improve the protection of the waterways.